Different Types of Company Registration Mallampet
1) Private Limited Company Formation:
This form of Company Registration is ideal for the business who is expecting high annual Sales and for the entrepreneurs who is seeking external source of funding. Under Private Limited Company, minimum two numbers of members required to form a company. Under this Company formation Mallampet, the mandatory compliances related to MCA, GST, Income tax is high as compared to other type of formations. Private Limited Company provides the simple and easy platform to raise the capital in the company. Private Limited Company formation Mallampet can also offers ESOP to their employees.
2) Public Limited Company Registration Mallampet:
This form of Company Registration is ideal for the business who is expecting high annual Sales and for the entrepreneurs who is seeking capital from members as well as from general public. Under Public Limited Company Registration Mallampet, minimum five numbers of members required to form a company Mallampet. Under this Company formation, the mandatory compliances related to MCA, GST, Income tax is very high as compared to other type of formations. Public Limited Company Registration Mallampet provides the simple and easy platform to raise the capital in the company. Public Limited Company Registration Mallampet can also offers ESOP to their employees.
3) Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Company Formation:
This form of Company formation is ideal for the Service businesses and also ideal for the businesses who need lower investment to start a business. Under Limited Liability Partnership firm, minimum two numbers of partners required to form a llp. Under this Company formation, the mandatory compliances related to MCA, GST, Income tax is less as compared to Private Limited Company Registration. Raising of Contribution is little bit difficult as compared to Private Limited Company. LLP Company formation cannot offer ESOP to their employees.
4) One Person OPC Company Registration:
This form of OPC Company Registration Mallampet is ideal for the proprietor business who is expecting legal form of the entity and limit their liability and also have complete control over the company. Under this Private Limited Company, minimum one numbers of members required to form a company and one nominee required to form a Company Mallampet. Under this Company formation Mallampet , the mandatory compliances related to MCA, GST, Income tax is very less as compared to other type of formations. This Private Limited Company provides difficult platform to raise the capital in the company. Private Limited Company formation Mallampet cannot offer ESOP to their employees.